Who qualifies for DogWood services?
May we tour DogWood?
May my dog tour with me?
What vaccinations are required for any activity at DogWood?
- Rabies
- Distemper Combination, including Adenovirus, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza
- Leptospirosis (or vet note for exception)
- Bordetella
- Regular Heartworm prevention
- Regular Flea and Tick prevention
- Canine Influenza vaccination
- Lyme Disease vaccination Vaccinations must be administered at a licensed veterinary clinic. We do not accept breeder or home-administered vaccinations. We do accept titers in lieu of vaccinations.
At what age may my dog participate in DogWood services?
What are the risks in dog communities?
Social dog interaction is not without risk, which owners acknowledge when they sign our Owner Agreement (required for all DogWood services). Communicable diseases, like Canine Cough, are always around, and can be brought into our groups by an a-symptomatic carrier. If an illness becomes apparent in our community, we will post on our Facebook pages to keep clients informed. We also typically call any owners whose pups may have been exposed to a contagious illness at DogWood.
In addition to exposure to pathogens, dogs can play roughly and accidentally injure themselves or a playmate, or it happens sometimes that a normally social and happy player is having a really bad day and may turn on a dog who didn’t understand his message to “back off.” We do our best to prevent all these things, but we cannot guarantee 100% safety. Dogs are dogs. They communicate with teeth and nails and body slams. We believe the advantages of social interaction far outweigh the risks, but that’s a decision each client must make for their pet.
How do I make a reservation?
What if your lobby hours are not convenient for me?
Our lobby hours are limited because we prefer to give our attention to the pets in our care. We have a unique way of giving dogs liberty throughout our building at various times during the day, so we limit arrivals and departures at those times. Our lobby hours also allow staff to focus on care, cleaning, laundry, dishes, food prep, etc. There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes. We are glad to make the occasional exception during the week and can arrange drop-off or pick-up by individual request with an appointment.
Weekends are set up differently. We don’t have Drop-off DayPlay on Saturday or Sunday because our building is full of boarding dogs for the weekend. We close our lobby at 9am on Saturday, and we don’t open it again until 4:30pm on Sunday. Our weekend staff between those hours are trained in animal care but not necessarily front reception. We can arrange (by appointment made in advance) to bring reception staff in after-hours on Saturday or before-hours on Sunday, but we let the individual requesting the exception cover the extra convenience staffing.
What is DayPlay at DogWood?
May I stay and watch my dog’s assessment?
What is DogWood’s holiday reservation policy?
What is DogWood’s cancellation policy?
What are DogWood’s rates?
Why does DogWood require a trial stay?
Can I purchase a package in order to have discounted rates for DayPlay?
How does DogWood handle intact males and unspayed females?
We fully understand and support the current breeder and veterinary recommendations that neutering and spaying should wait until a dog has matured. But because of the design of our building and the way we encourage dogs to be social, intact males and unspayed females in season don’t fit the way we operate. The intact adolescent male is fine and innocent, but as he matures, other neutered males respond to him and change their behaviors. When other males begin acknowledging an adolescent intact male differently, we know it’s time to discontinue services. Sometimes a subsequent neuter helps alleviate the problem. But in other instances, habits developed as an adult intact male, such as excessive marking or urinating on other dogs, don’t fully subside.
A female in season may be wanting company, but other dogs respond to her scent and hormones and change their behaviors. An unspayed female will be fertile and enticing for a couple of weeks following estrus, so with her family’s help, we are cautious about timing her opportunities to be in our building. Through the years, we’ve found these dogs can be too disruptive to our daily operations. They can cause our entire building to feel unsettled, an environment we work hard to avoid. Therefore, we are not able to accommodate adult intact males or unspayed females in or post estrus.
Do dogs become too old for DayPlay?
Dogs whose activity levels need to be curtailed because of arthritis or other physical impediments may need more rest periods, and we are certainly glad to accommodate that situation. But a dog who is restricted from running or turning sharply, etc., should not be put in a situation where those events are likely. Additionally, a dog’s sociability and tolerance changes over time, and they sometimes very naturally become less interested in joining in group play. DOG SOCIAL pups and adolescents generally love everyone and are enthusiastic about joining playgroups. DOG TOLERANT dogs enjoy being with most dogs, communicate well, and put up with younger dogs activity levels.
These calm and relaxed players often help us show the younger ones which behaviors are acceptable and which are considered rude in the dog world. DOG SELECTIVE dogs have a few favorite friends but start to get choosy about new or unfamiliar dogs. Some of our favorite long-term players age into this category. We love them and continue to welcome them to DogWood, but they are dismissed from our general groups and placed in restrictive playgroups with their friends. Sometimes we recommend specific DayPlay days so that these selective friends can continue to be in one another’s company at DogWood. A fourth category are DOG AGGRESSIVE dogs, whom we referout to for training since they are not allowed to participate in DogWood programs.
What does DogWood need in advance of my dog’s boarding stay?
What should I bring when my dog has a sleepover at DogWood??
How can we stay in contact?
May we or our friends visit our dog while it is boarding at DogWood?
What is meant by DogWood’s “Care, Custody, and Control”?
What if my pet needs medications?
What if my pet needs medical attention while at DogWood?
Lobby Hours

Sleepover Tips
We will do what we can to make your pet’s stay as enjoyable as possible. You can help, too. Your pet will “read” your emotions, so it’s important you feel comfortable, even excited about your pet’s visit to DWK! To help you with this, come visit our facility and meet our staff without your pet. They will show you around and tell you about the homey environment we offer. Let us know what will make you feel better about your pet’s sleepover with us, because when you feel better, so will your pet.
Bring food and treats, or maybe a piece of clothing that smells like you and home, so that your pet isn’t dealing with more changes than necessary and has a familiar and comforting object.
- Download registration materials from dwkennel.com or stop in and complete the paperwork prior to bringing your pet so your pet isn’t anxiously waiting in the lobby while you register.
- Provide us with as many details as possible about your pet’s personality, likes and dislikes.
- Bring a copy of your pet’s medical records, making sure your pet has all of the necessary doses of required immunizations, tick and flea prevention, and heart-worm prevention.
- Make sure we know about your pet’s allergies, special needs, and bring any prescribed medication in the original prescription bottle with your pet’s name and dose on the label.
- Take a tour with your pet prior to leaving him or her, so the DWK association has your stamp of approval.
- Use Day Play or Day Board prior to a Sleepover so your pet knows you will be returning to pick him or her up at the end of the Sleepover.
- Every time you are getting into your vehicle and heading to DWK, give your pet a treat and associate the trip to DWK with a yummy experience.
- Let us know the moment you are less than thrilled with your experience at DWK.
- And for your reassurance, let us know if you want texts and pictures of your pet while you are away.